Our History....
Meet Phenomenal Alumni
Ms. Bailey
Joined PYL in 2007
Graduated from Delaware State University
Ms. Johnson
Joined PYL in 2005
Graduated from Lincoln University, Pa
Ms. Walls
Joined PYL 2008
Graduated from Penn State University.
Our Story...
In the spring of the 2004 Phenomenal Young Ladies (PYL) was a group formed by a group of young ladies at an after-school program in Chester, Pa. The group was led by Dr.Tiffany Lane, who at the time was serving as a BSW intern at the program. The goal of the group was to bring the ladies together and have “girl talk” about topics such as hygiene, future plans, and building healthy relationships. The group later evolved into its own organization in 2004, because the young ladies wanted to maintain the group after the program ended at the after-school program.
Phenomenal Young Ladies, Inc., was formally established in Chester, PA on August 23, 2004, by
Dr. Tiffany Lane and Dr. Massa Nuni. PYL welcomed a new cohort of young ladies (ages 13-18) each summer into the program. The ladies were in the program until they graduated from high school. While in the program the ladies experienced a rite of passage ceremonies, community service projects and other activities to support their phenomenal transitions and growth.
In 2011, PYL decided to take a standstill on the membership sector of the organization, however, the directors of the program are still involved in community activities and host workshops at national and local conferences on their model used to engage young women in Chester, Pa. The directors of PYL facilitate group workshops for youth-serving organizations.